Dog Blog

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Here's a much younger Sherlock Bubba in his cape and deerstalker.  The photo was taken on the Rest Your Bones bench at Bogy's Barkery in Sacramento when it was still in business.  I had his costume made up in the MacBean tartan in honor of Elsie MacBean when my first novel, "Howling Bloody Murder" was published back in 2001.   He looks about as thrilled to be wearing it as most dogs look when wearing silly costumes for their owners.  But he had a great day at Bogy's meeting other dogs and sampling people-shaped dog biscuits. 

Although I adopted Bubba Gump after I wrote the book (I began writing it years before it was finally published), he has since become the inspiration for my fictional basset, Cruiser, in the Beanie and Cruiser series.  He constantly provides me with material for my books.  I'm delighted that the third book in the series, "Embarking on Murder" will be released in May 2009 from Five Star.  I sincerely hope Sherlock Bubba will still be around to help me launch the new book.
(copyright, Susan Heggstad Photography) 


Monday, March 17, 2008

I couldn't get Peaches to let me put the green hat on her head, so I just posed it near her.  The flowers are from me dear mother.  



Sunday, March 16, 2008

If there is such a thing as animal reincarnation, and I believe there must be, then Dolly has come back to me in the form of the sweetest dog ever to grace my life since her, my Peaches.  How do I know?  Because Peaches does the same funny little hop, skip with her left hind foot when she breaks from a run back into a trot.  And last night as I lay on the couch, she inched up onto my chest and licked my hand so gently, exactly the way Dolly used to do.  No dog has loved me as dearly as Peaches does, nor have I loved a dog as dearly as I do her, not since Dolly.  Ours was a special bond from the get-go, and I have that again in Peaches.  

Say what you will about such things, I know it is true.  Dolly has finally come home to me.  She's just been watching and waiting for the right time.  Dolly saw me through some difficult times in my life, and I am certain that Peaches has come to me now for the same reason.  Human love is fickle, but a dog's love never dies.


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I came across some old photos of Devilish Daisy. She was not the easiest dog I've ever lived with, but she left me with plenty of memories, not to mention a wealth of material for a naughty new canine character in my dog lover's mystery series.  As you can see from the photo below, Daisy had some guarding issues, among many others.  She's growling at me, daring me to make a play for her bone collection, chew toy, or favorite toy, Kris Kringle.  She didn't like to share her food or toys with anyone.  

I'm sure the Dog Whisperer would be aghast, but rather than risk a good gnawing of more vital things than biscuits, we preferred to just let her keep her collection.  I don't much care for Milkbones, anyway.  


Sunday, March 02, 2008

March came in like a howling hound.  I heard the wind all through the night tossing things about in the yard, and today was a blustery, ear-flapping day for bassets.  It wasn't a good day for much of anything, not even sitting out in the garden with my hounds.  I had hoped to take a long bike ride, but I wouldn't have enjoyed trying to pedal against that gale.  I tried to read the Sunday paper outside, but it was no use. 

Even though the sun was out, the wind made it very cold, but since Bubba and Peaches have nice, warm fur coats, they didn't mind lying out on their mats in the sun. It probably felt good to Bubba, since I think he is having a little arthritis in his hindquarters lately.  I can relate.  We both take our pain pills.  I am looking forward to sun-blessed hours of reading, writing, painting, wine and music in the garden again after many months of bleak winter days.  We're all ready for not just a false spring but a real rite of spring.       
