Help end animal cruelty
Here is some information from Red Rover (formerly United Animal Nations) about how to give a voice to the voiceless by reporting cases of animal cruelty to authorities who will, I hope, arrest and convict the perpetrators. Aside from the reward of helping an animal in need, you will receive a monetary reward for your efforts to protect animals from the REAL animals out there. Of course, I doubt they will get what's really coming to them for committing such a heartless act. A little prison time seems woefully inadequate for torturing a defenseless animal.
Financial Incentive Rewards
- A brief description of the cruelty, including the date it occurred.
- A police contact or the detective working on the case with his/her telephone number.
- The county prosecutor's name, address and telephone number.
- A local media contact if you have one, especially if they have covered the story.
- Your name, address and telephone number.