Dog Blog

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Bubba seemed more playful today and his appetite has improved. I took him to the river this morning, and we walked the path I've walked with my other dogs that meanders through the underbrush. I ran into some friends who walked along with us. There's still a thick layer of white on everything from the blizzard of cottonwood the past couple of months. It was slow going, and I think my friends were wanting to move a little faster. Never walk with a woman who's walking a basset if you want to take a brisk nature walk. Bubba enjoyed sniffing every leaf and blade of grass. We stopped at a familiar spot to watch some geese drifting in a lagoon. I keep meaning to take my camera and binoculars. It's a lovely scene in the morning with the light just so on the water--something I'd like to paint sometime. Bubba showed his gratitude for our adventure by coming in and sitting on my foot, something he only does to his dad. I don't think he's ever done that with me before.

I feel very fortunate to live within walking distance of the American River. It's a wonderful nature retreat from the noise and traffic of the city. I've lived near the river since 1968, but I see much more wildlife now than I ever did then. We never saw deer, cougars, coyotes, or anywhere near the numbers and varieties of birds in those days. With all the development in Sacramento since then I suppose they have no place left to go.


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