If you are dedicated to providing lifesaving care and sheltering for animal victims of natural disasters, puppy mills, hoarding, and other cases of cruelty and neglect, then Red Rover encourages you to answer your calling by becoming a volunteer emergency responder for their organization. An upcoming workshop will be held May 10 from 1-5 p.m. in Sacramento, California. Check the link provided for Red Rover workshops held in other cities. Workshops cost $50.
But not all of them are as good as this one (name withheld for privacy):
"I happened to come across your book and found the cover interesting. Okay so I fell for the old judging-a-book-by-the-cover bit. But in my defense it was well worth. I have a habit of reading in bed. I started your "Embarking..." novel last night and found myself bursting into uncontrollable fits of laughter that ended up as guffaws. My poor husband woke up to see if I was alright. To be honest it's not often a partnership between author and reader is so successful. We read authors we like and make compromises as in any relationship. In this case I swear you could've been writing about me...I could be Beanie! I laughed so hard at 3:00 a.m. and felt so good for it. So thank you for giving me something to look forward to...your next book.
Your newest fan"
Every test in our life makes us bitter or better. Every problem comes to make us or break us. The choice is ours whether we become victim or victor.
Here's a new interview posted on the Coffee with a Canine blog, where I talk about (What else?) my dogs.
Today was our first warm day in quite a while, and it was so sudden after two freezing cold windy days. The temperature hit 85 degrees this afternoon, and that means people are likely to forget that it's too warm a day to leave your dog parked in a car. Case in point: As I was driving downtown on 11th Street toward the R Street Corridor to visit The Tea Cozy, I spotted an Animal Control van parked behind a car with lights flashing and one of their officers busy with one of those devices you slide down a car window to flip the latch. I knew what had happened. Someone had left their dog inside the car. The car was parked in the shade, but who knows how long the dog had been inside the car? All day? Lord, I hope not. I wish the officers had just broken the car window instead of wasting precious time trying to unlock the door.
I didn't stop then. The situation was clearly in hand, but a few minutes later on my way back I saw that the car door was open and they were citing a woman, for animal abuse, I hope (for all the good it will do). Perhaps if they had smashed her car window, she might have thought twice next time about leaving her dog locked inside the car. I yelled out the window, "Is the dog all right?" One of the officers nodded yes. I hope that was the truth and not just a way to appease a nosey dog lady or discourage any lookie-loos in the vicinity.
This is the first incident of the season that I know of. I pray it is the last. I am glad that many people seem more aware of this problem and many will intervene for a dog's survival who wouldn't have before. Remember, your dog is wearing a fur coat and he doesn't have sweat glands like we do to keep himself cool in hot weather. Dogs overheat very quickly when enclosed in a car, even if the windows are opened several inches. If you left your car in the shade, it may not be in shade for long. Shade moves. It doesn't take dogs long to suffer irreversible damage from heatstroke.
You may think the weather seems balmy, especially on overcast or breezy days, but most likely it is too hot for your dog if you leave him in the car. Weather is hard to predict these days, even for meteorologists, so the wisest and kindest thing you can do for your canine companion is to leave him at home. He'll be so much safer and happier cooling his belly under a ceiling fan than traipsing around with you to bake in a four-wheeled oven while you shop 'til he drops.