As for the Governor's ill-advised proposed repeal of Tom Hayden's law on extending hold times for pets in shelters, I don't believe that the lives of helpless companion animals should be sacrificed to bolster a trashed economy which is the result of stupid, selfish actions of human beings. We got ourselves into this mess. Why should our pets pay the price? They have no voice in their fate, so we have to be their voice. I would probably not have my wonderful Beau or Peaches if shelter hold times had been any shorter. Certainly I would not have Beau, since he was an older mixed-breed dog that had already been a stray twice before I adopted him. His three strikes were nearly up, and I found him in the nick of time. Best day of my life. And his! Governor Brown may not have found his Sutter, either, if this protective law were not in force, though I'm sure that purebreds stand a far better chance than the throngs of mutts, seniors and other less adoptable dogs that find their way into shelters, again because of too many stupid, thoughtless, greedy people. This law gives pets a second chance for a happy ending. It must NOT be overturned! Are you listenin', Guv?
Labels: Doggone it, Guv