Dog Blog

Friday, December 23, 2011

Each dog I've had has a special ornament I display on the Christmas tree each year.  One of the most special ones I hang on the topmost branches in a place of honor is a little gold one of a beautiful little golden dog I once loved so dearly, and still do.  Her name was Dolly, and I have written of her often.  She always took great interest in the holiday tree, as though we had dragged a live tree into our living room just for her to appreciate (not to pee on, as Beau might think--I'm happy to say that hasn't happened, yet).  I think you can see from this photo that she really did.  Especially when Mrs. Santa hid special dog treats among the branches.



  • At 1:20 PM, Blogger howzerdo said…

    I sadly report that my Sophie passed away 2/5/12 at age 13. My husband has lifting restrictions, so we had to adopt a smaller dog this time. I love Beagles too, so hoped to find a Bagel under 35 pounds, but suddenly a tiny female Beagle was found as a stray and so when she became available we adopted her from the town shelter. She's a doll, gets along well with our other dog and cat, but clearly has been through a traumatic experience. She doesn't bark, and it isn't because she's deaf or had her vocal cords cut. Shock collar? Maybe. Or trauma. I hope she feels comfortable enough to bark eventually.


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