Dog Blog

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Some good news for dogs in California. Governor Schwarzenegger just signed a bill that makes it a punishable crime to leave a dog in a car in weather that is too hot or too cold. Offenders will be fined $100 for the first offense and more on subsequent offenses. It also gives animal control officers and police license to break into the car to rescue the animal if the owner cannot be located. A $100 fine is not enough, in my opinion, and the average citizen should also have the option of breaking a window to save a dog since by the time the police or animal control arrive the dog could be injured or dead. Even so, the Hot Dog Patrol rejoices at the news. The governor may also sign into law SB 1578, the anti-chaining bill, which will help protect thousands of dogs that leave lives of misery at the end of backyard chains. Currently, animal control officers cannot cite owners for chaining their dogs unless they find other signs of neglect, such as lack of food or water. The law will also help reduce the number of dog bites and attacks from chained dogs, which are more likely to aggressively protect their territory. Kudos to the Gov for his efforts on behalf of California's pets.


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