Dog Blog

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Today was the day Longfellow came up for adoption. I drove out there, mostly just to be sure that he got a home. He was still in kennel #20, only his cocker spaniel cellmate was gone. To a good home, I pray. The little basset was curled up in his plastic bed, but when I said hello he came right over and reared up against the fence, barking. I had forgotten what a beautiful dog he was. He seemed more desperate for liberation today than when I first saw him a week ago. I suppose a week in solitary confinement will do that to you. He'll be sprung soon, though, because the sign on his cage said "Adopted." When I asked about putting my name down in case they changed their mind, the volunteer showed me a photo of his new mom & dad. They were a nice looking middle-aged couple so I felt assured Longfellow was going to a good home with them. They are getting a nice dog. The purpose of my visit accomplished, I gave him a farewell pet through the fence and wished him a happy life. Just in case, though, I wrote down his inmate number. I'll check in a week to be sure the adoption took.


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