Dog Blog

Tuesday, January 06, 2015


If you didn't get many gifts for Christmas, remember that your dog gives you these gifts every day of the year.  They're a whole lot better than anything you might find wrapped beneath the tree.

Thursday, January 01, 2015


Jump Your Bones pet treats of Boca Raton, Florida, are on the salmonella-tainted treat hit list.  If you have any of this product, do not feed to your dog and return it to where you bought it; hopefully, they won't put the packages back out on the shelves at reduced price, like PetSmart did their poisoned chicken jerky treats.  I still can't get over that!  It tells you a lot about chain stores like this.  You can be sure some fat cat at the top of the corporate scratching post is reaping the rewards of our pets' pain and suffering, and ours, too,  because we adore our pets.  Profit over pets (or people) should not be tolerated by consumers. The best way to show them we mean business is to stop shopping at any company that practices these greedy tactics.   


We didn't know whether Beau would make it to another Christmas with his problems, but he has, and I'm so grateful to still have him with us. Also, a belated Happy Gotcha Day, December 28, to my sweet Peaches.  Either Mom's getting forgetful or it was just the stress of the holidays.  Guess I'll claim both.  Anyway, I love my little girl and hope both my dear doggies are still with me by this time next year.  Wishing you and all your best fur friends all good things in 2015.