I just watched a most disturbing report on TV about a woman who discovered a mutilated black cat on Halloween night. Seeing this sad and terrible news story and thinking how much that innocent creature, perhaps someone's beloved pet, suffered made me very nearly lose my dinner.
Dying, the cat had managed to crawl to her doorstep. She had noticed some teens dressed in black who were up to some devilment in a nearby park but couldn't tell exactly what they were doing, I guess, until she found the cat, which had been burned, cut, and God knows what else. She rushed the cat to a vet clinic, but it was already too late. The injuries were so severe the animal couldn't be saved. She remarked that on the way to the vet, even in its agony the cat purred as she stroked it. Cats also purr when they are in pain, but I hope her gentle touch did give the poor kitty some comfort in its last moments. This should be a cautionary tale for cat lovers to keep your pets safe indoors, especially if your cat is black and it's Halloween.
These kinds of hideous acts committed by heartless little thugs should be severely punished, but the punishment never really fits the crime in instances like these. Where were the parents? Did they have any clue what their teens were doing on Halloween night or even care? If these kids would do this to a cat, who might their next victim be? Torturing a helpless animal in this way is an indicator of murderous behavior that could next be inflicted upon people. No empathy, no conscience, no soul. Animal abusers are killers in training.
Involved, responsible parents are the first line of defense in preventing these tragic headlines. Such unimaginably cruel behavior might be averted if lessons about humane treatment of animals were taught early at home and in school. Red Rover offers online classes for school teachers or humane educators who are interested in their special Red Rover Reader programs that teach humane lessons to children. The next online workshop begins in January.
You have to get 'em young to teach children that animal abuse is cruel and unacceptable in civilized society, as ours claims to be. As a former teacher, I would like youngsters to learn that our animal brethren are sensitive creatures just like us who love and want to be loved, experience similar emotions, feel pain, and have the right to humane treatment from human beings. Perhaps if more children are taught these lessons, future Halloweens will be much kinder for animals.
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