Dog Blog

Monday, February 06, 2012

I have made a solemn promise to Peaches and Beau that even if I were stranded in the wilderness like the Donner Party or the couple in Oregon who were mushroom hunting and became lost, I would never, ever consider EATING them!  The Oregonians were apparently so desperately hungry and evidently had eaten all their harvested mushrooms, so all that was left to eat was their pit bull.  Or perhaps in their gastronomic circle dog perfectly complements wild mushrooms.  Now, I have to say that there is probably plenty of potential good eatin' on my two fat bassets, but I don't care how hungry I got, I'd never resort to eating my dog.  Instead of a last supper, I'd just lie down between my fur friends for a last snuggle before I died.  There are some things worse than death, and eating my best and most devoted companions is definitely among them.



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