Dog Blog

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Reminder from:DogMysteries Yahoo! Group
Title:Dog Mysteries Birthday
Date:Friday June 10, 2011
Time:All Day
Repeats:This event repeats every year.
Notes:Dog Mysteries group was created on June 10, 2000! Let's celebrate!!!!
Here are some suggestions for how:
1. Read a dog mystery today.
2. Buy another dog mystery.
3. Donate something--It can be money, toys, bedding, your time, old (but still good condition) leashes, etc.--to an animal rescue or humane society or animal shelter in honor of our group or in honor/memory of a beloved pet.
4. Set aside some DEAR time today to help get that dog mystery read (or anything else): that's Drop Everything And Read. Pick an hour or two, or more or less--whatever works for you--to dedicate to JUST reading for fun. Nothing else is allowed during this time, except a potty break, if necessary. Keep snacks within reach to relieve unexpected hunger pains without going to the kitchen. And a lap dog or pet curled within reach to stroke while reading is also acceptable.
5. Take your dog(s) for an extra long walk today (or several short walks).
6. Give your pets extra hugs and kisses, and an extra treat or two!



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