Dog Blog

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Photo of me with some of my pastel artwork at The Writer's Brush art reception

Check out my good friend Jennifer O'Neill Pickering's blog.

Jennifer is a gifted artist and poet and is responsible for organizing The Writer's Brush art reception and reading at the Sacramento Poetry Center/Matrix Gallery.  We read to a full house last weekend, despite a rainy night in Sacramento, which is probably far more dreary than a rainy night in Georgia.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

A new review of Embarking on Murder.  It's the first time my books have been rated in elephants, but they are amazing creatures, so I'm okay with it instead of hound dogs.

Saturday, January 09, 2010

The Writer’s Brush

 Writers Who are Visual Artists 

 WHAT:  Reading and Art Exhibit at Sacramento Poetry Center/Matrix Art Gallery  

 WHEN:   Saturday, January 23, 2010

 TIME:   7 – 9 p.m.

 WHERE:  Sacramento Poetry Center

                    1719 25th Street (25th and R Streets)

                    Sacramento, CA


The Writer’s Brush, in the spirit of Robert Blake, Emily Brontë, and Kurt Vonnegut, is a reading by local award-winning writers who are also successful visual artists, including: Jennifer O'Neill Pickering, Sue Owens WrightJeanine Stevens, Joseph Finkleman, William Laws, Susan Finkleman, and Susan Orr. The reading at the Sacramento Poetry Center coincides with an exhibit of their artwork.

Also appearing as a guest performer is Singer and Songwriter Mike Pickering.

 For more information, please call (916) 979-9706. 

Friday, January 01, 2010

See Page 36-37 (page loads slow--be patient)

Happy New Year to all the dogs like Beau and Peaches, who were homed for the holidays.  May it be for life!  

I was awakened not only by the New Year's fireworks last night but to the sound of Beau going bonkers in his crate.  At first I thought he needed to go potty, but when I opened his door he shot out and barreled straight past me, not to the doggy door but to the bedroom and right into my bed.  I did my best to calm him, but every time he heard the pop, pop, pop, he got upset.  At one point he nosedived under the covers and hid his face in the crook of my arm.  Finally, after some cuddling, soothing tones, and a dose of Rescue Remedy (which he didn't like the taste of at all), he settled down and slept calmly through the night.  He was a really good bed buddy and didn't move around much.  He slept most of the night right at my feet, just like Bubba used to do.  I've really missed that since Bubba died.  It's where he slept every night for 12 years.  I lit a farewell candle in memory of him last night, as we bade farewell to the year that took him from us; but it also brought us Beau, who is as wonderful a companion as anyone could ask for.  A couple of times in the night I glanced down at the foot of the bed to see another beautiful red and white basset warming my feet.  I fell asleep counting my blessings, which always have four paws and floppy ears.

Tonight is Peaches turn in the bed, though.  I don't want her to feel left out.  I expect it won't be too long before both dogs are in my bed, just like before.  
